Ricardo portrait

Hello, I'm Brian. I'm a software engineer. I have 15 years of experience in education and school leadership. I enjoy building interactive applications and sites.

About me

After 15 years in public education and school leadership I decided to pursue my passion for programming and am currently looking for my first position to start my new career. Hack Reactor's Immersive Software Engineering Program prepared me not only because I learned how to create applications with full stack technologies, but also because I was trained to methodically problem solve. I took the leap into a new career because of the joy I have creating applications and tackling complex problems. Watching an app come to life brings me the same sense of accomplishment I had building Legos as a kid. I'm constantly working on different personal projects and love to learn new technologies.

My core stack is React, Express, Node.js, and either MongoDB or relational databases like SQL. I am also familiar with TypeScript, C#, .NET, Python, Ruby, and Java.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy raising my three wonderful children. I'm an avid rock climber and have spent my life adventuring outside.

My Hack Reactor Projects

Atelier ECommerce

Product page web app connected to microservice architecture back end.

  • React
  • Express
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library

Atelier System Design

Microservice back end for reviews endpoints for Atelier e-commerce client

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Node JS
  • Redis
  • newRelic
  • Jest

Sound Crate

Music creating, mixing, and sharing web application

  • React
  • Tone.js
  • Express
  • PostGreSQL
  • Docker

My Personal Projects

Econ Problems

Educational Economics Application

  • React
  • React-Draggable
  • Material UI
  • MongoDB
  • AWS Deployed

Professional Experience


Audition tracking for the professional actor

  • React
  • Google OAuth
  • PostGreSQL
  • Docker
  • Chakra UI

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at kuzmabr@gmail.com.